The Blogger Recognition Award!

Thanks, Aris for nominating me (4 months ago, I'm sorry I'm such a poop). I feel validated and my self-esteem is in non-negative integers now. I hope you somehow stumble upon Hamilton tickets. Rules: Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. Give a brief story of how your blog … Continue reading The Blogger Recognition Award!

Mystery Blogger Award

So, I've been nominated to do this award by Wormalblog aka Alli. Thank you so much for (wrongly) believing I have the capacity to answer questions. May you receive unlimited gummy worms. Rules/Regulations/Decree/The part you're never going to read: Thank whoever nominated you and leave a link to their blog. Mention the creator of the … Continue reading Mystery Blogger Award


The alarm did not beep because I don't like starting the day filled with homicidal tendencies directed towards the inventor of alarm clocks. It was a (sorta) beautiful day to open my newly born blog whose password I temporarily forgot but then remembered that it was the same as my email's passwo- wait, why am … Continue reading I SEE YOU.