Mid-Year Freak Out Tag!


ahem can relate

I’ve been gone so long the block editor is not the default anymore and my inner boomer is not happy (How? does? one? align? pictures? prettily??)

I read 48 out of 70 books so far, which if you do the math means I’m 4 books ahead of schedule and 69% (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) done.

1. Best book you’ve read so far

Summer of Salt Foolish Hearts In Other Lands

If you haven’t read these books yet, literally drop everything and go read them right now. Like now. Go. 


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Oh cool, you either read them or you’re a filthy liar.

2. Best sequel you’ve read so far

(that awkward moment when you’ve mostly read standalone books to avoid commitment issues)

The Edge of the Abyss (The Abyss Surrounds Us, #2)


3. New release you haven’t read yet but want to

Clap When You Land

I know little to nothing about this but I do know I need this book in my life stat.

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue   A Deadly Education (Scholomance, #1)

How obvious is it that I really love fantasy?

5. Biggest disappointment

(aside from me? ok)

Swear on This Life

I can’t remember a single good thing about this book. It gave me a headache. I hated it so much.

6. Biggest surprise

The Truth Commission

I went into this book without reading the blurb (and spent 50% of the time thinking all of it was real) but I surprisingly really liked it, the characters sound like actual people (shocking in YA, I know) and also footnotes.

7. Favorite new author (debut or new to you)

Emma Mills, for further inquiries please refer this post : Reviewing (read: fangirling over) 3 Emma Mills Books

8. Newest fictional crush

Bold of this tag to assume I have enough emotional energy to exert on crushes.

9. Newest favorite character

Elliot, my lil pacifist son from In Other Lands (he’s so annoying I love him so much ugh)

“Elliot was trying to teach himself trollish via a two-hundred-year-old book by a man who’d had a traumatic break-up with a troll. This meant a lot of commentary along the lines of “This is how trolls say I love you. FOOTNOTE: BUT THEY DON’T MEAN IT!”

10. Book that made you cry

Did I subconsciously read non-emotional books cause heart 💔 been broke 📉 so many times ⏰ i don’t know 🤔 what to believe.

11. Book that made you happy

The House in the Cerulean Sea

I want to become a millionaire and own a hotel chain just so I can hire Chauncey, the best bellhop the world will ever see.

12. Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received)

The Priory of the Orange Tree


13. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?

The Poppy War (The Poppy War, #1)

This is coincidentally also my current read (we love setting easily achievable goals in this house)


I’m pretty sure every book blogger did this tag 2 months ago, but if you didn’t and you kinda want to, consider this a sign from the universe. 

Hello, here’s a poll where you can exercise your right to vote:

4 thoughts on “Mid-Year Freak Out Tag!

  1. Beck @ SMELLFOY CAN READ says:

    Ew the block ew ew ew I haven’t written any new posts bc of it ( tho i have like 4 lined up so I’m good…?)
    69%? niiiiiiice
    “Bold of this tag to assume I have enough emotional energy to exert on crushes.” THIS IS A MOOD THO LIKE I DON’T UNDERSTAND FICTIONAL CRUSHES EXCEPT FOR THE ONE I HAD ON ROBIN HOOD AND HARRISON FORD AS A CHILD (actually I don’t understand crushes in general like what? like I dID have a crush at one point?? or was it just me being like “i’m glad I have friends?” who knows, definitely not me)
    wait there’s a poll? POLLSSSS I LOVE POLLS alright yessss


  2. Holliehocks says:

    I became active again right before they switched to the block editor, and it kept trying to force me to use it and I was so confused for like a month. Now I sort of like it better, but there are things I have trouble with still (like html formatting).

    It’s good your reading seems to be going well this year!

    So, I discovered Emma Mills by accident late last year, and it was honestly one of the best things ever. I read First & Then, which is now one of my favorite contemporaries, but I didn’t like Famous in a Small Town very much. Foolish Hearts is actually the one I’m trying to get next!


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